Saturday, December 11, 2010

I-wrist Walkie Talkie

The new exhibition of Lambda Gallery

paint 'on December 16 from 18.30

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Can I Use A Headset For Dj Hero

New night photography: THURSDAY' 18 November FRANCESCO Danesin "The trip as eternity of emotion"

Evening with Maestro Francesco Danesin. The meeting will address the technical issues noted photographer (shot, cut, display, etc ...) and artistic (choice of subject, inspired, etc. ...) Free admission, limited seating. THURSDAY 'Nov. 18 beginning at 21

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Canine Teeth Extraction

Pictures from the evening of Photography Gallery in Lambda with Master John Umicini

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hip Pain Subaru Outback

19 hours Friday, October 22 opening of the exhibition by Laura Callegaro

The new exhibition LAMBDA GALLERY

Monday, October 11, 2010

American Apparel Circle Scard Instruction

Encounters of Photography: Bruno Carnevali

Friday, October 15 at 21 another meeting with the big picture: BRUNO GALLERY CARNEVALI
At LAMBDA. Beginning at 21 subject to availability

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Changing Regions On Sony Dvp-sr200p

Encounters of Photography: John Umicini

Tuesday October 5 LAMBDA GALLERY 21 hours at the first of a series of meetings with great photographers: John Umicini
Free Entry to availability.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Mouth Dry Full Phlegm

Friday, September 10, 2010: The first show of the season LAMBDA GALLERY

Monday, August 30, 2010

Remove Saved States Gpsphone

From September 1 to 30 at the Multiplex MPX (via Bonporti, Duomo) Now is

The major new photographic exhibition "Venice 2002-2009" Alcide Boaretto

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kate's Playground Panty Sale


It must
studies Mariano Iodice, on the history of Freemasonry, an interesting discovery on the draft of a Neapolitan lodge 700, which in those days nonpoté materialize. The discovery concerns, in a sense, even the ancient history of the family of the scholar with particular reference to an ancestor of the maternal line (the Marescadi Serracapriola). Things first.

Ferdinand IV was the year 1779, just twenty-nine, Russia sends the Duke of St. Nicholas, by Muzio Gaeta. Arriving in St. Petersburg, the Duke, had to endure the hard and rigidoclima which failed to adapt, so within a few years was replaced by the Duke of Serracapriola, Antonio Maresca Donnorso, while the Russian Razumovshij was replaced (for irapporti intimate, it seems, with Maria Carolina) with Skavronskij. At this point the story of llustri avi is intertwined with that of one of the most famous Freemasons of 700, the Count of Cagliostro.

The Duke of Serracapriola remained on site until 1813, remained in office more than four decades, but the association with the count lasted less than a year. From Mitau, Cagliostro sitrasferì in St. Petersburg, where he lived from June 5, 1779 to March 1780. The trip to Russia also had a diplomatic purpose: to intercede with Catherine II to ensure the independence of Courland, threatened by Tsarist. Cagliostro siproponeva to achieve this, a lodge founded International (Egyptian Rite), which was under the patronage of the Empress. English Phenix presented himself as Colonel, began fareil miracle worker, but soon the word spread of its relations with Saint Germain and trescafra Potemkim Seraphim and the Prince, the favorite of Catherine. When the English ambassador who was losmascherò not leave the country, notwithstanding the protection of the same Potionkin. The Empress then wrote three satirical comedies, "deception", "Ilcieco", "The Siberian charmer" with which Italian and ridiculed his victims.
In its brief stay in Russia a land of Cagliostro met, according to studies of porfessore Iodice, the Duke of Serracapriola. He frequented the Lodges founded by Petr Ivanovich Melissino. The Order consisted of 4 grades: "The Dark Time," "The Scottish Knight", "IlFilosofo", "The High Priest of the Temple." The first two were such degrees of Hiram comentre had the third-hermetic religious content, all three formed a sort dinoviziato that allowed access to the degree of priests. It provided conclaves disapore temple with religious ceremonies, blessings, prayers in common. The purpose of the Rite eral knowledge of God and the "philosophy of nature" that the influence exerted by the stars sullamateria and spiritual powers, so the "high priests" or "clerics" sidedicavano the study of alchemy, the cabala, astrology, magic. It seems that Inquest Lodges Cagliostro operated experiments of clairvoyance with "dove" is no doubt, however, that this experience has brought a significant contribution to the improvement of the Egyptian Rite. In those years Cagliostro dictated the precursors for the formation of a Loggiadi Rosicrucian Egyptian rite and in Naples, under the auspices of the Duke, who was supposed to arise in Naples.
In future years the center of Naples, which were to develop the proposed dellaLoggia were not provident for Masonry. Already in June 1776 the members elected GLNazionale Diego Naselli grandmaster. In 1777 it joined the Rite of Strict Templar Observance, by involving the entire National GL. In 1779, AMonitoring of developments within the scheme by the Convent of the Strict Observance of Lyon and the reform drawn up by Willermoz Regimemedesimo in the transformation of the Rectified Scottish, hake and its National Grand Lodge aderironoalla reform. Since 1783, due to the forced resignation by the Earl of Bernezzo, hake also assumed the office of Provincial Grand Master.
Meanwhile while continuing to survive the Provincial Grand Lodge, "English" conducted by the Duke of St. Demetrius, whose members must remember, besides the aforementioned Pasquale Baffi, the lawyer Mario Pagano, Admiral Francis Caracciolo, medicoDomenico Cirillo, Giuseppe Albanian officer.
In 1784, the aristocratic piedilista Lodge Victory, employed by the Rectified Scottish Rite, we find the poet Aurelio Bertola De Giorgi and Count Vittorio Alfieri, probably begun between 1774 and 1775. On the threshold of the French Revolution, however, the GL National was in full numerical regression. On 3 November 1789 Ferdinand IV rinnovòla Prohibition of Masonic activities and the grand master gave orders to the loggias Hake disospendere its work.
is certain that the nascent Jacobin clubs, which have enthusiastically supported the repubblicapartenopea, recruited in preference between brother Masons. Many of the victims dellarestaurazione Bourbon, in fact, had passed through the lodges of the National GL or GL inquelle the Provincial English. The project of a unified Egyptian Rite Lodge eRosacroce did not materialize, but many, to date, continued his studies in memory of the great Freemason Cagliostro and other distinguished fellow Neapolitan. It must be the latter if the project of a Lodge of Freemasonry and Rosicrucian Egyptian Rite Unified neltempo has continued until today.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Graphics Tablet Configuration Software

Tratatto between the Grand Orient of France and the Grand Lodge of Romania Women

Recognition Treaty Between the Grand Orient of France and the Feminine Grand Lodge of Romania from agente de Jack Masonica on Vimeo .

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Loud Screeching Noise From Maytag

state guest of the 39th General Assembly CMSB

Friday, July 9, 2010

Can The Razor Dune Buggy Go Faster

LAMBDA GALLERY Partner Technical Prize Arte Laguna

To learn more click

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Creatine Monohydrate And Superpump

The Grand Master Raffi guest Lucia Annunziata

Lucia Annunziata interview Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy. Rai Tre.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Need Some Heat On Venstar Thermostat


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hair Color Conversion Chart Wella

Treaty of Alliance Peace and Friendship between the Independent Grand Lodge of Italy and the Grand Orient Masonic

Source: News Italian Masonic

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Traditional Kurdish Clothes

Pan-American Festival of the Italian Republic 2010/6010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Change Computers

General Assembly of the Confederation of Symbolic Masonry in Brazil 2010 (Belem, Para)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Frequent Periods Over The Age Of 40

Friday, May 28 opening of the exhibition 19 hours ...

...." nobody. " Andrea Tonellotto.

inaugural Buffet powered by:


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

M Jak Milosc Odcinek 798 Online

"CANNES 2006-2009": The big picture of the multiplex MPX Alcide Boaretto

Pictured above is a Alcides satisfied Boaretto assists the exit of his prints in the laboratory of LAMBDA GALLERY
Below: page dedicated to the exhibition Mattino di Padova

Monday, April 26, 2010

Films Incesto Italiano

Panzarini Emmanuel: Blue Sky Project

In Gallery is available for viewing and booking, the book of Emmanuel Panzarini "Blue Sky Project"
The book contains a series of beautiful pictures Spain's all captured with the phone. Worth seeing!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Sagafrontier


continues until the closing night of 27 May, which will be delivered to the works vicitori and buyers, the wonderful exhibition of Paul Kroker "Audience Award 2010" The proceeds will be donated to Terre des Hommes all'Onlus

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Should Shoulin Be Capitalized

Kroker "AUDIENCE AWARD 2010"

Friday, April 16 at 18.30 opening of the exhibition of 'Digital Artist Paul Kroker. Introduction to the exhibition of a writer Franca Cavagnoli. The books are already visible at the site

Friday, April 2, 2010

In Football How Do The Draw The Line Of Scrimmage

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pirates Of The Carribean Blog Theme



More than 40 delegations Subsidiary of Grand Lodges that participated Sunday, March 28 at the Annual Meeting of Freemasonry Regular San Marino, which threatened to put a strain on the receptivity of the Temple specially arranged at the Kursaal Conference Centre of San Marino for the lack of seats in the House of Masonic property.

year Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino (historically known as the Grand Lodge of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino, and also known SGLRSM acronym) has also celebrated the re-election of its Grand Master, Italy Casale , and the renewal of the Executive Government for the next three years 2010 -2013.

For '8th year the Annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino has accepted Masons from all over the world, both to reaffirm the common values \u200b\u200bthat bind them, but also to offer evidence of a masonry composed of San Marino by upstanding citizens, free and good morals, which have nothing to share with investigations and scandals that erupted in neighboring Italy, trying to find the corruption in the Republic of San Marino.

so the Grand Lodge of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino has not only taken on the burden of defense Masonic Institution repute, but also the good name of the Republic, by exposing their presence, who has absolutely nothing to do with regular Freemasonry.

And if anyone can boast of being a Freemason (and maybe even multi-millionaire) membership of inventing their own "Grand Lodge made to measure", it is equally true that only the recognition SGLRSM has already more than 80 Foreign Regular Grand Lodges, who on Sunday strengthened their bonds of brotherhood.

the ritual installation of the new charges followed, in fact, the reception of the many foreign delegations, and a crowded gala dinner.

External Relations Office

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mac Os Ntldr Is Missing

Gran Templar Chapter Cote d'Azur Provence

Or.. ' Nice, Italy. Saturday, April 3, 2010, in the afternoon will be held in Nice, the Grand Chapter Templar Cote d'Azur Provence. Everyone is invited to attend.
Through the kindness of Brother Vitaliano Gallo