Saturday, March 6, 2010

Are Coffee Ugg Moccasins Fake?

The Supreme Council CAMEO - Prot No. 211/10

Prot No. 211/10
Grand Secretary General
February 26, 2010 AND V ∴ ∴
The Supreme Council meeting in February 2010 E ∴ V ∴ zenith of Rome with all these SS.GG.II.GG and felt the rail of the Sovereign Grand Commander Fri Pot ∴ ∴ mo and mo. Fr Roberto Luongo 33 °, states that there is a need for further opening in the Italian Freemasonry Fraternal from Us, and then Pending approval of a fact-finding where to search other Lodges / Communion who have the same interest in preserving the Masonic Tradition in the Third Millennium.

In Italy, the first license of which information is received, it is the one issued in 1728 by the Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge, Lord Henry Hare of Coleraine, to Xaver Geminiani for the establishment of a Lodge in Naples, who took the title of "Perfect Union".

From then until the present day, even through the fragmentation into different streams - there are currently 140 members, most born after 1993, despite periods of detentions and forced underground life, the Italian Freemasonry has preserved continuity and stability.
The Supreme Council shall issue an invitation to all the Lodges of good will so that we can sit at a table without a common national presidency, but each of their positions with respect and dignity.

The RSAeA, and the elite of Freemasonry: the Brothers Masons are directed to the improvement of Man, the Scots have the purpose, the duty and the ability to improve their other brothers.

In this regard, all delegates are SS.GG.II.GG and Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret as "messengers" and "spokesmen" of the "PROJECT PERFECT UNION" and to identify the Obedience / Communions to divert the 'call and respond as such, any call for a single brother, a Lodge or Grand Lodge on our Italian territory.

Brothers "messengers" and "spokesmen" of the "PROJECT PERFECT UNION," must take into consideration to recognize an association in the Masonic, the initiatory nature of Communion, its intrinsic value revealed by the quality of its work and respect fundamental principles delivered by Tradition Freemasonry - Rituals, Statutes and Regulations.
The Supreme Council, with the three Grand Lodges that are present, enlarged its base in the Blue Degrees, does not claim to now the Masonic sovereignty of the Italian territory, once again reiterate the fact that there are others with whom you may: "Building temples to virtue, to dig deep and dark prisons to vice, to work welfare and progress of humanity. "
The Supreme Council, in his project, the 'goal of restoring a relationship between politics and society, and between the Church and Freemasonry, in this respect, the same Fri ∴ ∴ mo mo Pot and Sovereign Grand Commander FR 33 ° ∴ Roberto Luongo to various news agencies will issue an article titled "disaffection".

Regarding the relationship with the Church (the Vatican), the Supreme Council reserves the right to take formal contacts. Institutional Relations with Foreign Powers Masonic: The Pot ∴ ∴ mo Fr Roberto Amato, 33 ° Grand Deputy Foreign Relations, reported to the Supreme Council of the work done by his office from 9.2009 today.

has given a list of 50 Grand Lodges and Supreme Councils distributed in all geographical areas and some of them present in almost all "the international circuit," who expressed "caution" to the work unit of the Grand Lodge Mother CAMEO and the Supreme Council of RSAeA "Cameo."

the Supreme Council resolved:

a-serenity in order to continue the work unit "PROJECT PERFECT UNION," there is the need of the Supreme Councils of Foreign Affairs to give "indications" in this sense to avoid creating "false hopes" of any reports in Italy.

-b is confirmed, the full and total availability in full compliance with the Statutes of RSAeA. to anyone who asks, "Help and Support" to the Supreme Council CAME

c-decide to issue through news agencies Masonic all future developments on 'work of the Supreme Council Cameo.

E 'Our conviction that the project will have positive implication for us and you Scottish brothers, we love this noble art.

We and you are knights of the Light, and we must give our brothers a future worthy of the name of Freemasonry.

The Supreme Council shall suspend its work at all Freemasons wishing health and prosperity.

Grand Secretary General
Massimo Innocenti 33 ∴


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