comparable to the worst articles free This incredible article crime column of the Genoa Republic took advantage of the predictable disapproval toward an Albanian accused of hit and killed a young Italian man to dispose of more than two hundred years of law doctrine of fair trial and Article 111 of the constitution.
The writer regrets that Ndoi, the accused, should first be tried for crimes committed in Spain and pay the penalty in this country before extradition and that "Ndoi will have the opportunity to consult with counsel and to appoint agreeing a defensive measure. Ndoi But - there is a fear - could also say [...] still something that could give rise to doubts about his guilt. "
recommend read the article by article 111 of the Italian Constitution, especially the following steps:
Each process takes place in between the parties, under equal conditions, before an independent and impartial court.
In a criminal trial, the law provides that the person accused of a crime [...] has the time and conditions needed to prepare his defense.
The criminal trial is governed by the rule that the parties in the formation of the test.
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