The fear of the end of the world has accompanied mankind throughout the centuries and the experiment at CERN has only woken up a little.
The courier and especially the press will play a little ', fired on the home page with headlines that are difficult to find in the most austere pages of paper, of course, suggesting that the experiment will fail and create a catastrophe of successful experiments in the laboratories of the world if make every day.
Unusually, in this case Republic deserves a little applause. Talk of the experiment in a more measured, even at eight o'clock this morning the news was not even on the home page, and, perhaps unwittingly, with a title on the reduction of barrels of oil extracted, reminds us of one end of the world (as we know it now) that will be enough with certainty about fifty years if in the meantime you will not find an alternative source.
printing, given the ease with which the experiment progresses, changed the title apocalyptic, remembering that experts say there are risks and, in an attempt to use a technical language, puts a terrible "accelerator" in the subtitle.
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